Multipurpose Instruction Room Technology

Multipurpose Instruction Room Technology

Charles Library has three multi-purpose instruction rooms (Rooms 113, 202, 401).

Since the multipurpose instruction rooms have no fixed student technology, LTS has provided two mobile laptop carts that each contain 30 laptops for use in these rooms. Below are the policies and procedures that surround the laptops as of 9/12/2019. These are subject to change.

Laptop cart reservation

  • The laptop carts will be stored in Rooms 202 and 401. 
  • If you are booking one of these rooms, it is safe to assume that the laptop cart and laptops will be available for your use in the classroom.
  • If you are reserving Room 113 and require laptops, please check the calendars for Room 202 or 401 to see if a cart is available. 

Laptop security

  • Each laptop will be labeled and have tattle tape hidden beneath the label. This ensures that if a patron attempts to leave the library with the laptop, they tattle tape alarms will sound.
  • Each cart has two combination locks; one on the front and one on the back. The combination will be circulated to LRS staff. 
  • To open the lock on the cart, pull the lever straight out towards you and then swivel to the left.

Laptop distribution

  • The LRS policy is to have the classes' instructor present in addition to the librarian instructor. This ensures that two responsible adults are present to prevent theft of the laptops.
  • Each laptop is to be collected at the end of each class and placed back into the cart at the correct slot. 
    • The slots are numbered to match the number label on the laptop.
    • Please plug the power cable back into the laptop to charge for the next class. 
  • We are aware that there are often back-to-back classes and the battery power of the laptops may not last an entire day. We are ordering some backup power cables for the laptops. 

Acute Classroom Support

  • Once all of the Audio/Visual equipment is installed in the classrooms, there will be a built-in VOIP phone that can call out to one specific number. 
  • We are also planning to install a telephone in the IT workroom, where we have a back-of-house student assistant trained to handle these matters. 
  • However, while we are still getting these two pieces set up, please call the One Stop Assistance Desk at 215-204-8212 from your cell phone if you need urgent technical support during a class. Ask for the IT student worker to come upstairs and assist.