Key Activities and Accomplishments FY FY 18-19
Planning for a move to a space 4-6x times larger than our current one with ~4x more equipment, and to greatly expand our work with undergrads, as we have primarily been focused on graduate students thus far. Finalizing the creation of a Graduate Certificate Program in Cultural Analytics. Completing the final year of the Digital Scholars Program (phased out for the Graduate Certificate). Working with 3 Faculty Fellows and their projects. Working with Makerspace Grant recipients or using making technology and methods in the classroom. Incorporated built in the DSC Makerspace in Art Thesis shows. Continued work on the Developing the Data Set of Nineteenth-Century Knowledge project. NEH submission for the Virtual Blockson project. DSC space and staff included in 3 separate Presidential Arts & Humanities Grant submissions. Began and continue to work on guidelines for VR accessibility.