For SCRC materials, the former Millennium item location codes roughly corresponded to the various collecting areas. During migration these item codes were copied into the Internal Note 3 of the item record.
SCRC records now record these collecting area names in the local 974 field as well as the item's Internal Note 3.
Millennium item location codes | Collecting area names |
krare | Rare Books |
sarc | Archives and Manuscripts |
sccc | Contemporary Culture Collection |
scnw | University Archives (For books with this code, a collection NAME should also be entered: "Russell Conwell Book Collection") |
scrc | SCRC General Books |
sfc | Paskow Science Fiction Collection |
srare | Rare Books |
sref | SCRC Reference Books |
stem | University Archives |
u | Urban Archives |
uarc | Urban Archives |
upjac | Philadelphia Jewish Archives Collection |