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  1. Search results
  2. Homepage
    1. Highlight display - this is done - but may be tweaked with retweaking of homepage
      1. Image
      2. Title
      3. Blurb
      4. Link
      5. Link text
    2. Link to mini homepages
  3. Contact Us/Staff Directory - Being coded
  4. Mini homepages/Buildings/spaces
  5. Alerts - not high priority for MVP
  6. Blogs - no indexing of anything right now
    1. We can link to blog posts in specific highlights, etc when relevant.
  7. Buildings - working on wireframes 
    1. left hand menu 
    2. having the map, the hours, address, phone number
  8. Collections
    1. Left hand menu
    2. Image
    3. description
    4. subject list
    5. link to content
  9. Events
    1. Tweak the event display page
    2. **add a link "Go back to events list" on the event display page
    3. NO left hand menu
    4. **Remove the search box on the event index page
  10. Exhibitions
    1. Title
    2. Image
    3. Description
    4. Start date
    5. End date
    6. Design similar to event display layout
    7. **link to from Events list
  11. Groups
    1. Groups are displayed in staff directory
    2. Otherwise groups are low priority
  12. Finding Aids
    1. Priority for getting finding aids in Solr
    2. Design the finding aid display page
      1. Title
      2. identifier
      3. description
      4. subjects
      5. related collection
      6. Request button that links to Aeon and passes information along
    3. Create an index page that looks like events/directory
      1. filter by subject
      2. filter by collections
  13. Pages
    1. Has left hand menu
    2. Title
    3. Description
    4. Document attachment
  14. Hours
    1. Restyle that jawn
    2. Building names links to building entity page
  15. Person
    1. Tweak current display
    2. Add link "back to staff directory"
  16. Policies
    1. Left hand menu
    2. would appear in the same place as pages, services, etc, but just have different fields
      1. Title
      2. Description
      3. Effective Date
  17. Services
    1. Design Done and mostly 
    2. **add field to the model for "access link title" for text to display on the button - put this in a field set
  18. Space
    1. left hand menu
    2. Name
    3. picture
    4. description
    5. building

*Outline CSS for heading formats across the body text, etc.

*For future consideration: add unique search to each index page: events, staff directory, Finding aids

*Libraries & Collections index page will be no more and instead replaced by the category of "Libraries & Collections" using the left hand menu

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