In addition to the major updates notes above, the development team has addressed a variety of smaller bugs that affect both the front-end user interface and back-end infrastructure.
Major issues that we are in the process of reviewing
Lack of sort options and date facet in Articles Search: This was an outstanding issue with our Primo Central Index integration, which we are working to resolve ASAP.
Bug with Refworks export: This was working as expected at the time of launch, but is now broken. We’re talking with ProQuest to address this. (We would also like to add Refworks to the Articles Search export.)
Lack of location and call number information in text messages and email exports
Items from other libraries not transferrable via Blacklight when there are copies on reserve at current pickup location, which should be allowed based on Alma rules
Ongoing back-end workflow issues with digitization requests
Availability status display not fully compatible with Internet Explorer