They’ll get back to us on Handle and DOI
PDFs- this problem is fixed
Ready to configure
Deposit packages can be saved with the objects
We’d like to turn this on
Question we need to answer- should the item be fully embargoed, or just the bitstream?
How do bitstream-only embargoes work? How much time does that take to turn on.
‘complete’ items
We should review and let them know, as James will be ignoring this as they transition us to the issue tracker
Reconfirm how many hours we have remaining, and confirm how bugs fixes work in this context.
James has said we’re above and beyond our developer hours?
We’re up to 50 hours
Reasons- a lot of customizations in terms of the configurations
Input forms are nonstandard (requires API work when integrating with outside systems)
Datacite DOI issues
OAI configurations
Rounds of feedback
Wishlist items (tab 7)
See later item
We’re at a point where we should use our credit system
Online tracker portal will tell us this, however, we’re not in it yet
They allow the balance to dip bellow zero to accommodate financial years and procurement processes
What is the rate for hourly work going forward?
64 credits per year (credit is 15 minutes). So, two work days.
This is what we currently have in the bank
Bram: same flat rate
$39.06 per credit [150 per hour]
$1250 per day
David: are we short four hours?
Answer a bit unclear
Going forward we don’t need to worry about the time already spent. However they will
Re: overrun
Atmire will look through
David- next move is to get the estimate for the remaining work
More credits can be purchased as needed
James: it’s time to switch to this model
Also time to prioritize our future requests
Question for Atmire: can you produce an estimate of how many credits are needed to complete the work
Get cost and time estimates for the last three major items (SWORD, DataCite, and Elements).
Bug fixes
If the bug affects a core functionality it’s an ‘infrastructure ticket’ no credits required
For example, the duplication of results in ‘browse by’…
If the bug affects a customization we requested it takes support credits
Doesn’t have to happen before go live
Workflow- configure on elements dev, then switch over to the production
Define when Atmire could, hypothetically, work on Elements integration, so that we can define a timeline for configuring repository tools 2 on our end.
Discuss a few items -in the '7-General_Requires Support Credits' tab
Action items
- Atmire will transition temple to the ticketing system, provide an overview of time spent that temple can review and approve
- Atmire will look into how our 20 hours of overtime was used, report back (split 50/50)
- Atmire will also report back on the Elements work, which will happen as a second phase
- Atmire will test our CNAME change and report back
- Temple will look through embargo options, follow up with Atmire
- Temple will follow up on SWORD customization, start this work
- Temple will review last tab and see if there’s anything we want to preserve
- Tracker action list: David, Holly, Annie, Alicia