- On the responsive homepage, what do you think of eliminating the search options such as "books", "articles", "databases" and just defaulting everyone to the bento?
- "See all library hours" on the HSL homepage - where should this go?
October 2018
- The 'Contact us' form is fairly popular (3706) form submissions in six years. Where can we include this in the front page?
- A few additional questions came up about the "Contact us" form. There are three places/ways to contact the library from the website; 1) general "Contact us" - a drupal form, 2) Email form on the Ask/help page that is an embedded LibAnswers form and 3) email diglib@temple.edu which is just a departmental email account. The consensus at our meeting on 10/22 is that there should just be one method to contact the libraries and ideally it would be the LibAnswers form. But we need to figure out where it would go and how it would be placed in conjunction with the LibChat box. Another question is how we handle the general LibChat vs. the HSL specific LibChat.
- On a building page, "See all library hours" goes to the list of all hours for all libraries. Should this instead go to the full list of hours for that particular building? - Look at refreshed wireframes for hours.