AnchorSending files Sending files
Sending files
Sending files | |
Sending files |
- In Alma, go to Admin > Manage Sets
- Find logical, public set Physical titles - WorldCat has catdate AND has inventory AND unsuppressed (All) - OCLC holding libraries only
- Filter using WorldCat batch processing filter (TEU no WCAT) and name the resulting set so that it can be easily identified
- Go to Admin > Run a Job > Export Bibliographic Records
- Find the resulting, filtered file and export it
- Physical format: Binary; all other settings remain at default
- Download and open in MarcEdit. Be sure UTF8 is selected under Default Character Encoding when using MarcBreaker.
- Remove records likely in the revision queue.
- File>>Select records for edit
- 997$a>>Import file
- Use regex + YYYYMMD[D-1].|YYYYMMDD.
- Invert selections
- Export selected
- Remove records with existing 079s. These should be processed separately.
- File>>Select records for edit
- 079>>Import file
- Search for: Display field not found
- Export selected
- Remove duplicate records
LF: not sure why there are duplicates
- Tools > Record deduplication
- Control field: Field/Subfield = 001
- Dedup Keeping: first
- Options: Remove duplicate items
- Tools > Record deduplication
- Run the task OCLCbatch_presend
- Find duplicate 035s and 997s and edit/clean appropriately
- Edit > Edit shortcuts > Field edits > Find records containing duplicate tags:
- 035$a(OCoLC)
- 997$c
- Edit > Edit shortcuts > Field edits > Find records containing duplicate tags:
- Run validation, fix errors, and save the file
- Tools > Validate MARC records using local validation file
- Do a "Find all" search for =001[space]
- Click the copy icon at bottom left to copy the results to your clipboard
- Paste into Notepad++ then with "Regular expression" selected,
- On the Replace tab:
- Find: ^\=001\s\s([0-9]*)\t.*
- Replace: $1
- On the Replace tab:
- Add MMS ID to top of the file and save it
- Use this list to create an itemized set in Alma
- Compile into a MARC file (Funnel icon) using naming convention: 1024500.teu.YYMMDD.mrc
- Update the tracking spreadsheet
- Send file via FTP
- Admin > Run a job > Records sent to WorldCat - waiting on sent file
AnchorLoading files Loading files
Loading files
Loading files | |
Loading files |
- Leanne and Molly receive email updates from OCLC when certain processes are completed. The email that indicates files are ready has the subject:
TEU -- The report (Bibliographic Record Processing Summary -- Data Synchronization) you requested for DATE
- Files are retrieved via FTP (see above) from /metacoll/reports and will begin:
- metacoll.TEU.datasync.1024500-1024500
- Download all files and open the .mrc file in MarcEdit. Be sure UTF8 is selected under Default Character Encoding when using MarcBreaker.
- Run the task OCLCbatch
- Compile into a MARC file, but add "_load" at the end of the filename so it doesn't overwrite the original file from OCLC.
- In Alma, go to Resources > Import and run WorldCat data sync overlay
- "Select file" and attach the _load file from above and then Submit
- View the report and note any issues
- Go to "Bibliographic records imported", Total records imported and Create itemized title set
Go to Admin > Run a job and select Post-load for WorldCat data sync (TEU)
- Select the set created abovefix any issues
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Note: Rome and Japan do not have OCLC accounts and their records do not get loaded into WorldCat. Both Law (tulaw) and Health Sciences (HSL=TMY; Podiatry=QBA) have their own OCLC accounts and their holdings are not currently included in this workflow. |
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Physical titles - WorldCat has catdate AND has inventory AND unsuppressed (All) - OCLC holding libraries only - Logical Brief Level contains keywords "10" AND Has inventory equals "Yes" AND Tag Suppressed (Title) equals "No" Holding Library = See above Filter by WorldCat batch processing filter (TEU no WCAT) rule "997.d.TEU and not exists 997.e.WCAT" |
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2nd and 4th Friday of the month |
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MarcEdit task - OCLCbatch_presend (download) MarcEdit task - OCLCbatch (download) MarcEdit local validation file (download) |
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