- Sarah Yerger
- Erin Finnerty
- Mark Darby
- Nancy Turner
- Brian Schoolar
- Katy Rawdon
- Jackie Sipes
- David Lacy
- Leanne Finnigan (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Royce Sargeant
- Justine (ExL)
- Leslie (ExL)
Complete the questionnaire on the migration form.
- License storage location lists are different from other item locations in Alma.
- Vendors and providers are only loaded once.
We have not actually filled out anything in Intota, so what are going to migrate?
- Focus on vendor crosswalk and locations
We have some of the vendor information in spreadsheets. During this process, can we move that information from spreadsheets instead of the Intota?
- Can't be done automatically, because migration expects data in a certain format.
- Post a sample spreadsheet to basecamp.
Database codes - need to have the names as well.
Do we want to change our proxy URL or proxy information?
- Files delivered to us on January 9
- Final link resolver form due to Ex Libris on January 26
Action items
- Erin will upload a version of the manual spreadsheets to Basecamp for review to see whether or not we can import these somehow
- Justine/Leslie will provide names to match the codes in the Alma_to_DB_Id tab
- Need to decide on whether or not we will change our proxy URL or that process at all