Discussion Topics
Welcome back Urooj!
Urooj is THE BEST!!!!
Maytham is the best!!!!
Debrief and reflections on OpenCon Philly (Annie)
Went very well, committee did a great job
Maria sent an official feedback form
Opening panel was very good
Urooj’s panel on open pedagogy went well and showcased varying projects done in the classroom
Professor on panel was excited about presenting with her student and indicative of “open”
Lightning talks were good; not rushed and well-designed; good amount of time
Jasmine’s accessibility workshop was good; her activity had a purpose and an immediate takeaway
OER workshop assessment activity was a little too specific
How specific software presentations fared against general products?
Some proposals seemed marketing-focused
Lunch in 341 was well-attended
Attendance varied from room to room despite full attendance
People may have left early or came late
Feedback said space seemed tight
Event space felt small too small to people
Registration totaled 125
Annie is writing up a report about issues with the space
Mic situation was tough
Projector issue was a struggle
Eduroam was not working
Ideas for a follow-up open pedagogy conversation (Urooj/Rebecca)
Robin DeRosa event on 10/31
Staff from CAT and Hope Center attended
Is there a way to continue a conversation about this that extends within and beyond TUL?
The framework says to reform higher ed--where to start? How do we talk about it?
Start with some tangible to create a vision
Revisit what we can do from the position of our work
Invite those who registered or go beyond?
Video will be posted to website with CC license
Start with one step
With liaisons--what could be assignments in your area? What do you see in your discipline that could become open? How would you approach faculty about this?
Ask everyone to bring a syllabus and work on an idea
Put out feelers and start a conversation to build up to a full-formed assignment/project
Rebecca and Urooj will create feedback form
TU ScholarShare Communications Toolkit next steps (Alicia)
Alicia wants to move forward on a proposed toolkit
Collaborative project with IR and fulfills SCSST team goal: marketing, outreach, and education materials for liaisons who are working with the IR
Brainstorming document about what could go in it
Alicia outlined contents of toolkits (1-2 page summaries for each subsection)
Branding materials
Outreach materials
Education materials/self-guided learning
Build your own materials--discipline specific
Highlights = what SCSST will work on; 2 people per subsection:
Open Access Elevator Speech
Open Access
Copyrights and permissions
Glossary of terms (joint effort)
Contact list (joint effort)
Each of us will take 2 with a deadline of December 18th
What would be helpful for liaisons to know?
This will be for our full IR launch (procurement is happening!)
To do's from last meeting: (Rebecca)
Copyright Basics for Grad Students during week of March 23, 2020 (Rebecca)
Using Open Textbooks in the Classroom Workshop during week of March 9, 2020 (Kristina and Urooj)
Author Alliance on book publication contracts on April 22, 2020 (Annie)
Can I use that photo? during OA week on February 24, 2020 (Lauri)
Reaching out to liaisons about targeted workshops in academic departments
Kristina worked on email draft
Send out by November 22nd
Action items
- Rebecca Lloyd and Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed) will create feedback form
- Rebecca Lloyd and Urooj Nizami (Unlicensed) will further explore talking with liaisons to approach faculty about open pedagogy in the classroom
- Everyone will work on one TU ScholarShare Communications Toolkit subsection in pairs by December 18 meeting
- Kristina De Voe (Unlicensed) will send out liaison email about targeted workshops