Key Activities and
Accomplishments FY FY 18-19Accomplishments
- Planning for a move to a space 4-6x times larger than our current one with ~4x more equipment, and to greatly expand our work with undergrads, as we have primarily been focused on graduate students thus far.
- Finalizing the creation of a Graduate Certificate Program in Cultural Analytics. Completing the final year of the Digital Scholars Program (phased out for the Graduate Certificate).
- Working with 3 Faculty Fellows and their projects.
- Working with Makerspace Grant recipients or using making technology and methods in the classroom.
- Incorporated built in the DSC Makerspace in Art Thesis shows.
- Continued work on the Developing the Data Set of Nineteenth-Century Knowledge project.
- NEH submission for the Virtual Blockson project. DSC space and staff included in 3 separate Presidential Arts & Humanities Grant submissions.
- Began and continue to work on guidelines for VR accessibility.