Once the Cataloging Date is available in its own column you can filter data to get a report of records cataloged during a given date range, such as between 20170701 and 20180630 to report on FY18. Note that this only works from July 2017 forward (post Alma implementation).
Filtering a Report to Specific IDs
- If the IDs are in Excel, start by copying the column and pasting into Word. Paste using the right-click and select the right-most icon that looks like a letter A. This will paste the IDs as text rather than a table.
- Replace all line breaks with semicolons. Use Find and Replace. Find ^p (this represents a line break) and Replace with ; (semicolon with no space after it)
- Some optional clean-up steps:
- If you have any whitespace, use Find ^w and replace it with either nothing, or with a semicolon, depending on whether the whitespace is between values or is trailing/leading
- If you had any blank lines in the data, you may end up with two semicolons in a row ;; You want to get rid of these using Find ;; Replace with ; Keep doing this until it doesn't find any repeat semicolons
- Make sure the data has no trailing semicolon at the end
In Analytics:
- Use the filter for the appropriate field, such as MMS ID or Item ID. If you are expecting an exact match, select "is equal to" and paste in your string of IDs
- If you are not expecting an exact match (e.g., if the identifier is an ISBN and the field probably contains multiple ISBNs) select "contains any"
- There is some limit to how many IDs you can paste into a filter. The limit is much higher if it is an exact match. I usually do four pages of ISBNs at a time and up to 26 pages of Item or MMS IDs. Analytics is sometimes inconsistent about how much it will accept, so if you get an error, trying using fewer IDs temporarily.
- When copying IDs from the Word document, make sure your string does not start or end with a semicolon!